Sex in the Suburbs, 2002
Collaboration with Gerardo Toledo
6 digitised videos for 6 televisions placed in a circle and running simultaneously; 6 chairs at the centre of the circle
Images are compiled and edited from 15 different soap operas taped in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian
Length of each differs so the 2-hour-long loops, in relation to one another, never align in the same way 2 times in a row
17’ diameter circle or projected onto walls or ceiling
Exhibition: Galería del Sur, Universidad Autónoma de México, Xochimilco, Mexico City
Each is titled:
1. Love, 02:57
2. Melodrama, 05:08
3. Trouble, 06:12
4. Anger, 04:44
5. Monologues, 04:30
6. Happy Endings, 03:35
“We stand before the crystal boob tube that remits all kinds of images that make our unconscious tremble, as well as that region located somewhere between the heart and the loins. Sex is everywhere except where it should be. Toledo and Pearce have discovered a reality they must reveal, for, by projecting [fragmented] soap operas [in six short videos] that appear infinite in their repetitive character, they have put the finger on the wound of dissatisfaction and manipulation. Indeed, soap operas have the feel of a never-ending rite: one finishes and another begins, an asphyxia that strangles ideas, sexuality and emotions. To show this reality with a humouristic but critical sense, without pamphleteering, is the reason behind Dianne Pearce and Gerardo Toledo's installation.” (Andrés de Luna, Director, Galería del Sur, Autonomous Metropolitan University, Xochimilco, Mexico City.)